2023 Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, RI


This Fall, 2022, I chose to continue my radio show, Memos From the World and focus on a curated selection of international jazz. Each episode has a theme which, together, explore the nature of the human condition. My radio show this fall is inspired by the content of my current philosophy seminar on self-knowledge. I am fascinated by the intersections of philosophy and jazz and am so excited to explore how these two art forms interact.

I created Memos From the World during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I focused on world music. My radio show allowed me to share and engage in music I love with my communities, travel to other parts of the world and thus connect with other cultures and time periods, as well as channel my energy into a creative project. Memos From the World aired weekly on WOZQ 91.9 FM Smith College radio beginning in the fall of 2020 and ending in the spring of 2021.



Fall, 2022 – Present

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Fall, 2020 – Spring, 2021